30. October 2015

Warsteiner Awarded Top Places in 3 Separate Sustainability Studies

Not once, not twice, but three times, the Warsteiner Brewery was recently ranked among the best companies in Germany for its outstanding efforts regarding sustainability. Three independent studies were separately conducted by the German magazine FOCUS, the Gut Certifizierungsgesellschaft (Gutcert), and the renowned food portal “Rank the Brand.”

Against stiff competition in the beer and beverage industry, this trifecta is a remarkable testimony to our time-honored passion for brewing excellent beer and beer mix beverages for our discerning customers without compromising our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the careful handling of the environment.

How do companies handle their economic, ecological and social responsibilities? And what brands are considered sustainable? The FOCUS study asked consumers these pivotal questions with regards to 1000 different brands. The result clearly shows that the notion of sustainability is of high priority among today’s consumers. By receiving this year’s FOCUS award “With a Clear Conscience” in the category “Beer / Beer Mix Beverages”, the Warsteiner Brewery was ranked a GOLD winner in sustainability by consumers.

The second study focused on sustainability communication – how transparent are companies about their sustainability efforts? The Gut Certifizierungsgesellschaft (Gutcert) analyzed the sustainability/CSR reports of 15 food retailers and food and beverage producers, and awarded the privately-held Warsteiner Brewery the very commendable 4th place among much larger companies for its excellent sustainability communication.

Lastly, the current standing on the information portal “Rank a Brand” clearly shows how the Warsteiner Brewery again outperforms larger competitors with its second place in the beer category.

This prestigious portal rates beer not only by its use of sustainably produced ingredients, but also by how the brewery addresses water consumption, waste reduction, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies.

“We are proud that totally different studies, tests and analyses rank our efforts, implemented over many years in the area of sustainability, with such excellent results, in particular, the GOLD award by consumers in the current FOCUS magazine,” says Peter Himmelsbach, CTO,Technology & Production, Warsteiner Brewery. “These results motivate and commit us to continue working with the same intensity moving forward.”

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